- Trust Ingersoll Rand dryers as a companion to support all of your compressed air dryer needs
- A range of high-quality, high-performance systems suitable for a wide variety of applications
- Flexibility in size, m3/hr and cfm through different variations of our dryers
At Ingersoll Rand, we understand that air quality is a crucial aspect of success within your air compressor system, as neglecting to properly treat compressed air can have significant impacts on your operations. This is why we have innovated a vast range of high-quality air treatment equipment for all of your dryers needs - whether that may be a subfreezing refrigerated, desiccant, heatless or heated drying system - you can trust Ingersoll Rand to have the solution.
Our dryers are designed as a companion to enhance your entire air compressor system, not only by ensuring high-quality air but also by improving productivity, efficiency and making the overall running of operations more manageable.
Product (Air Treatment)
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D-IERi Series Heatless / Micro-heat Regenerative Desiccant Dryer
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D-ICD Series High Efficiency Combined Dryers
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Blower Heated Desiccant Dryer D-IBRi Series
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Heatless Desiccant Dryers 2.5-142 m3/min, 800-5,000 cfm
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Zero Purge HOC Regenerative Desiccant Dryers
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Non-Cycling Refrigerated Dryers 28.3-68-m3/min
Non Cycling refrigerated dryers ( 28.3-68-m3/min, 1,000-2,400 cfm) provide reliability that you can count on to protect your air system.
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Heat-of-Compression (HOC) Regenerative Desiccant Dryers
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Heat-of Compression (HOC) Dryers 1191/24119 m3/hr, 741-15,002 cfm for Instrument Air Quality
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V-Series High-Inlet Temperature Non-Cycling Dryers 20-125 cfm
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V-Series Non-Cycling Dryers 5-1200 cfm
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D-INR Series Refrigerated Dryers
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D-ILRi Series Heatless / Micro-heat Regenerative Desiccant Dryer
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A look at our dryers...
Cycling-Refrigerated Dryers
Our range of Cycling-Refrigerated Dryers includes a wide variety of systems from our D-EC, which is capable of achieving optimal performance at a lower cost of ownership through its reduced energy consumption, our larger DA Series dryer, all the way to our high-pressure model, which is ideal for demanding applications such as PET applications. We also have our Nirvana range with varying cfm, including our large capacity system, which is equipped with a fully insulated thermal mass with a submerged evaporator – to maintain a cold well of propylene glycol-water to supply continuous ISO Class 4 quality air with a dew point of 38 degrees F.

Heated Desiccant Dryers
Both our Externally Heated and Heated Blower Desiccant Dryers were designed with proven high-performance desiccant technology that delivers -40 degrees C pressure dew point air for critical applications. They also boast advanced pre-filter and after-filter processes that protect desiccant and downstream air from oil contamination and particulates.

Heatless Desiccant Dryers
Our heatless range consists predominantly of our innovative modular dryers, which are compact, fully integrated units that install at points of use, meaning you only pay for drying the air required and have the added benefit of easy maintenance. In addition, they produce ISO Class 2 dew point performance with the option of ISO Class 1 to eliminate the risk of corrosion, minimize production disruptions and losses due to moisture or contamination - making them the most efficient and flexible option on the market.

Heat-Of Compression Dryers
We offer three variations of our Heat-Of-Compression dryers, varying in size, m3/hr and cfm. All of our models feature the most energy-efficient dual-tower, desiccant design technology available for oil-free applications. In addition, they are capable of recovering heat that is a natural by-product of the compression process to offset virtually all electricity costs (except running the controller)!

Non-Cycling Refrigerated Dryers
We at Ingersoll Rand have a variety of non-cycling models to satisfy your industry needs and standards due to our expert range of systems. Our non-cycling refrigerated dryers can be trusted to provide clean, dry compressed air for applications where moisture or contamination can cause system corrosion or damage to air-powered tools.
Subfreezing Dryers
Our SF Subfreezing dryers range from 360-420 m3/min and 212-247 cfm, ensuring flexibility and efficiency that translates seamlessly for any application. However, their low-temperature operation makes them ideal for systems that have piping or pneumatic equipment exposed to subfreezing temperatures by ensuring a safe, stress-free process.

We also offer our NL Module Coalescing filter and our F-Series filter, which have both been rigorously tested and engineered to reduce contamination, perform reliably and produce high-quality air consistently.

For more information or to inquire about any of our compressed air drying systems or any of our other solutions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here…