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Sistema de controle de compressor centrífugo MAESTRO PLC customizado
Sistemas PLC customizados são usados para pacotes com altos números de entrada/saída (E/S), múltiplos circuitos de controle de circuitos de gás e múltiplos processos. Soluções PLC disponíveis junto à maioria dos principais fornecedores industriais. Nossos engenheiros podem projetar, programar e fornecer um sistema PLC especificado por você, montado e conectado a qualquer pacote de compressor.
- Control systems can be locally mounted on the compressor skid, designed with local I/O and remote processors, or any other customer-defined arrangement
- Custom PLC systems are fully tested by our Control Engineering Department prior to shipment
- Control system enclosures are available for non-hazardous and hazardous environments, including ATEX Zone 2
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Peças E Acessórios
- Control systems can be locally mounted on the compressor skid, designed with local I/O and remote processors, or any other customer-defined arrangement
- Custom PLC systems are fully tested by our Control Engineering Department prior to shipment
- Control system enclosures are available for non-hazardous and hazardous environments, including ATEX Zone 2