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Where Do I Find the Serial Number on an Ingersoll Rand Reciprocating Air Compressor (up to 15 HP)?

For reciprocating air compressors built at the Ingersoll Rand factory located in Campbellsville, KY (USA), look for a silver decal affixed to the air receiver tank that displays identifying data applicable to the compressor. 

Here are some examples, based on date of manufacture: 

  1.   Current Serial Number Tag (Units built from 2011 – Present).  

      The serial number begins with “CBV” and is followed by six numbers.  The serial number is located on a tag affixed to the side of the air tank:
  2.  For units built from 2000 – 2011, the serial number consists of a ten digit numeric nomenclature and is also located on the side of the air tank: 
  3.  For units built prior to 2000, the serial number begins with “30T” and is located on a plate attached to the air compressor: 
  4.  For units with model numbers beginning with “P1” or “P1.5”, the serial number will have a different format (typically beginning with the letter “P” or “T”) and will be located on a data decal affixed to the air tank or the compressor housing cover.