Como podemos ajudar?

Tamrotor aftermarket - with you all the way

All our products are the result of long product development and we want them to be long-lasting and loyal partners for your application. We design our OEM compressors to be as efficient as possible – also energy efficient. However, the outcome is not only the compressor itself but also the original spare parts. Every single piece has been designed to be a perfect match with the compressor. When you invest in a compressor, you probably want it to give its best performance. So why risk it with spare parts which are not designed for your compressor?

Functionality and efficiency problems are not the only risks with third party spare parts. For example, shaft seals often look exactly the same, but only one will work with our compressor. Another factor is security: for example in filters, the grounding of oil separators has to be considered, otherwise, they might cause a fire in the tank. Oil filters also need to have a by-pass valve which prevents the flash and fire if the device is started in a cold place. When you're not using original spare parts, the compressor isn't as we designed it and thus the warranty is no longer valid. We recommend using original spare parts through the compressor’s life cycle to ensure optimal efficiency and the longest possible operating life.


Why use original spare parts?

  • Optional operational efficiency 
  • Energy efficiency
  • Safety 
  • Warranty
  • Maintenance technical support who knows the compressor 



Our aftermarket services

In addition to original spare parts, our team offers maintenance technical support for our OEM partners. Our OEM products are suitable for different kinds of environments and that’s why also the maintenance schedule can vary a lot. Our team will plan a customized maintenance schedule based on your usage to support your application and prevent downtime. We can also give specific spare part recommendations, and help with troubleshooting. The same people who handle the maintenance technical support also handle the warranty processing, which simplifies the process when you don’t need to explain device history to multiple people. Our AMT team also participates in new product development so we can make sure that maintenance and spare part point of view is involved and customer feedback is taken into account.

You can contact our team via the contact form. Please note that our AMT services are for our OEM partners. If you're an end customer, please contact your reseller to purchase Tamrotor spare parts.