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Our Complete End-to-End Compressed Air Service

Compressed air is vital for a range of pulp and paper applications, including in the pulp mill when creating the pulp and paper blowing, as well as in other areas of your plant for bleaching, digesters and wastewater. These applications depend on high-quality, oil-free air to ensure product quality; therefore, ensuring consistent delivery of clean, dry air helps you to maximize your operational efficiency and product output. At Ingersoll Rand, we offer a complete, end-to-end suite of compressed air products and services to optimize your pulp and paper manufacturing facility. 


Air Audit & Planning:

Our compressed air experts can help you transform your pulp and paper facility with a comprehensive compressed air audit. This allows us to evaluate your current position, output and air demand. With this information, we can then propose a long-term, energy-saving strategy to improve your efficiency and productivity. This involves creating a compressed air plan entirely suited to your operations with options tailored to you current needs.


Technologies & Installation:

After determining you compressed air strategy, it's important to determine which compressed air technology is best suited for your pulp and paper operations. The two most common solutions for pulp and paper facilities are oil-free rotary screw and centrifugal compressors.

Rotary Screw vs Centrifugal Technologies:

Due to the varying uses of compressed air in this industry, it's common for pulp and paper manufacturing plants to have a large number of rotary screw systems dotted sporadically throughout their facility. However, this can be energy inefficient, as using multiple smaller units can consume more power. Our experts can advise if it would make more sense to use a smaller number of larger-capacity centrifugal compressors, which would allow for the seamless production of compressed air that can easily be transferred to the machinery and technologies that need it. On the whole, centrifugal compressors, due to their larger capacities and stellar reliability, can be a solid long-term solution for the pulp and paper industry. They produce higher quantities of oil-free air whilst reducing the risk of breakdowns due to less powerful equipment! 

While both our centrifugal compressed air solutions produce high-quality, oil-free air, we also offer a range of air treatment equipment and dryers to ensure reliability and consistency. In addition, our expert team are available to design, install and fit all of your required compressed air equipment.


On-Going Maintenance & CARE:

Our support doesn't end there — by choosing Ingersoll Rand as your compressed air partner, you also gain access to a range of other services, including our suite of Helix Connected Platform via your 12-month warranty period and subsequently via one of the CARE maintenance packages!


Interested? Let us help you with our expertise and consultation. Click here to contact one of our compressed air experts.