Balancing Pressure Supply and Demand
Pressure instability, even a one-time pressure drop, frequently causes operators to elevate air pressure. But this fix also increases the air consumption of all poorly regulated processes…including the leak rate! For example, in a nominal 100 psig air system, a 15 psig increase in pressure will use approximately 10-12% more compressed air, PLUS use 7.5% more energy to compress. Installing an IntelliFlow controller, combined with proper storage and control, will provide a capacitance (stored energy) effect for sudden high volume system demands, eliminating the energy and maintenance costs associated with elevating the pressure… and adding profit to the bottom line!
The IntelliFlow constantly monitors the demand of air pressure and dynamically adjusts to utilize storage, increase volume
flow and stabilize pressure as needed (A).
IntelliFlow can also prioritize and protect critical processes or zones in the air system. Many systems have pressure critical processes, which can stop working or create waste if the pressure drops below a minimum level. IntelliFlow’s backpressure control (B) ensures the proper pressure prioritization to prevent this problem.
In addition, IntelliFlow’s “Combination Control” automatically switches control between forward system control and
backpressure priority control (C) based on user defined set points.
- High capacity, low pressure drop
- 3-valve manual bypass with fittings
- Forward, backpressure and combination control
- Electronic control (standard)
- Mounted c-UL NEMA 12 panel
- Multiple pressure set points
- Auxiliary contacts
- Mounted dual pressure sensors
- Network communication ready
- X-Series visualization ready
- Complete mounted & wired assembly
- 高體積低壓降設計
- 裝於閥門位置的電子 PID 控制
- 具有數位介面的安裝控制器
- 安裝壓力轉換器
- 3 閥旁通
- 用於系統稽核儀器的活栓和量規
- 增加生產力:最佳化生產空氣控制
- 增加效率:最佳化能源使用
- 增加可靠性:避免壓縮機快速循環
- 減少浪費:降低壓力、減少空氣消耗
- 最大壓力:150 psig (10 barg)
- 最大溫度:150°F (65°C)
- 凸緣/閥尺寸:2 - 8 in (50 - 200 mm)
- 最大流量:850 - 15900 cfm (24 - 450 m3/min)
- 全開啟閥位置下的 1 psig (0.07 barg) 壓降
- 透過適當儲存控制成為 +/- 1 psi (0.07 bar)
- NEMA 12/P54 外殼
- 50/60 Hz 標準

Balancing Pressure Supply and Demand
Pressure instability, even a one-time pressure drop, frequently causes operators to elevate air pressure. But this fix also increases the air consumption of all poorly regulated processes…including the leak rate! For example, in a nominal 100 psig air system, a 15 psig increase in pressure will use approximately 10-12% more compressed air, PLUS use 7.5% more energy to compress. Installing an IntelliFlow controller, combined with proper storage and control, will provide a capacitance (stored energy) effect for sudden high volume system demands, eliminating the energy and maintenance costs associated with elevating the pressure… and adding profit to the bottom line!
The IntelliFlow constantly monitors the demand of air pressure and dynamically adjusts to utilize storage, increase volume
flow and stabilize pressure as needed (A).
IntelliFlow can also prioritize and protect critical processes or zones in the air system. Many systems have pressure critical processes, which can stop working or create waste if the pressure drops below a minimum level. IntelliFlow’s backpressure control (B) ensures the proper pressure prioritization to prevent this problem.
In addition, IntelliFlow’s “Combination Control” automatically switches control between forward system control and
backpressure priority control (C) based on user defined set points.
- High capacity, low pressure drop
- 3-valve manual bypass with fittings
- Forward, backpressure and combination control
- Electronic control (standard)
- Mounted c-UL NEMA 12 panel
- Multiple pressure set points
- Auxiliary contacts
- Mounted dual pressure sensors
- Network communication ready
- X-Series visualization ready
- Complete mounted & wired assembly
- 高體積低壓降設計
- 裝於閥門位置的電子 PID 控制
- 具有數位介面的安裝控制器
- 安裝壓力轉換器
- 3 閥旁通
- 用於系統稽核儀器的活栓和量規
- 增加生產力:最佳化生產空氣控制
- 增加效率:最佳化能源使用
- 增加可靠性:避免壓縮機快速循環
- 減少浪費:降低壓力、減少空氣消耗
- 最大壓力:150 psig (10 barg)
- 最大溫度:150°F (65°C)
- 凸緣/閥尺寸:2 - 8 in (50 - 200 mm)
- 最大流量:850 - 15900 cfm (24 - 450 m3/min)
- 全開啟閥位置下的 1 psig (0.07 barg) 壓降
- 透過適當儲存控制成為 +/- 1 psi (0.07 bar)
- NEMA 12/P54 外殼
- 50/60 Hz 標準